Huffy vs Kent Bikes – which gives more room to be a Lady?

As a lady, you need a bicycle that compliments your personality. This Huffy vs Kent bikes review highlights two female bikes designed for comfort. Read on to discover which one suits you best.
Riding my bike in a dress has always been a challenge. I had a bike with a straight cross but which make riding difficult. One other problem with the bike is that the frame was too big for me. I struggled to keep both feet grounded which was problem especially when stopping in traffic. One of my friends introduced me to the Step-thru frame through her Kent Avalon bike. I loved how comfy and compact the frame size is. The only problem is I did not have a place to keep my personals. That is how I ended up with the Huffy Nel Lusso bike.

Huffy and Kent Bikes – How do they compare?

Huffy Nel Lusso Bike
Kent Avalon Bike
Wheel Size

Huffy vs Kent Bikes – A Detailed Comparison


Comfort bikes incorporate a strong frame for durability. This frame can feel quite heavy especially for a lady. To make this easy, most bike company redesign the frame to make it more accommodating. One of the major changes is the use of a step-thru frame design.
The Huffy Nel Lusso bike embraces a vintage step-through fame. Getting on and off is easy plus I do not find it hard pushing the bike through traffic. The handlebar sweeps back for a comfortable riding position.
Kent Avalon bike comes in a step-through frame as well. Compared to the Huffy, the cross-tube looks a bit raised which can be a problem if you are in skirts. The handlebar features a more mountain-bike like design. Though you still ride in an upright position, the Huffy handlebar design is more lady-like.


Riding a bike needs to feel smooth even when riding on bumpy surfaces. A bike with suspension frames absorb the sting from bumps. This improves steering control and reduces the chances of falling over. Sadly, the Huffy bike does not come with suspension forks. To make up for this, they included springs on the seat post. It helps absorb shock and make the seat comfy.
Kent Avalon wins on this one by incorporating a dual suspension frame. It is a better bike if you frequently switch between tarmac and gravel. The back rear suspension absorb shock making the saddle feel more comfortable. Front suspension absorb shock to make the steering more stable.


Comparing the two bikes, the Huffy Nel Lusso looks more feminine. It features a traditional step-thru design in a rich banana-yellow color. The saddle, handlebar grips, front basket all come in chocolate. The tires are beige and the rims chocolate. Such a color palette makes the Huffy bike stand out. This is exactly what you need if you are showing off to the world.
Though Kent made the Avalon bike for the ladies, nothing about it says feminine. It features a mountain bike design which throws you off its feminine scent. The frame is in purple which is a unisex color. Unless you are a diehard bike enthusiast, it is hard to notice the lady parts on the Kent Avalon.

Huffy vs Kent Bikes – A Comparison Overview

Huffy Nel Lusso bike review

Huffy Nel Lusso bike is perfect for the city or country lady. It features a step through design which makes getting on and off the bike easy. The ergonomic handlebar and lowered saddle helps you maintain an upright position while riding.
Any lady would love the convenient luggage compartments this bike comes in. You have a large back carrier for bigger bags or tagging a friend to your escapades. Behind the handlebar is a compact beverage holder for your water bottle. In front of the handlebar is another spacious carrying basket. The basket fits a tote bag or smaller bag of groceries. Both hands are free from carrying any luggage which keeps you focused on the steering.
Huyff Nel Lusso female bike comes with 26 inch wheels. 26 inch wheels are light which reduces the weight of the bicycle. They also accelerate faster and have great handling on smooth surfaces. This bike also features front and back fenders to keep your clothes safe from dirt or mud.

  • Unique frame design
  • Front and rear fenders
  • Various luggage compartments


  • Limited color variety.


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Kent Avalon bike review

Kent Avalon features a design fit for the urban life. With the front and rear suspension forks , this bike itches to conquer the wild terrains as well. The frame absorbs riding shock making the ride smooth and steering nimble.
This bike comes with a 7-speed gearing system and liner pull brakes. If you are riding in rough terrains, the high and low gears help get through obstacles. Linear pull brakes are swift to action adding to the control of the bike.
Kent Avalon has an ergonomic seat designed for comfort. The seat has padding which adds to the comfortable riding experience of the bike. The saddle is lower making it easy to keep both feet on the floor. The riser handlebar ensures you remain upright when riding. This reduces neck, back, and arm fatigue.

  • Strong and durable frame
  • Dual suspension frame
  • Quality components


  • No carrier


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If I was to choose between Huffy vs Kent bikes for women, I will definitely go with a Huffy. My Nel Lusso bike comes with all the features I love. A step-thru frame with plenty of carrying compartments. I also love the bright yellow frame which makes my bike stand out. The Huffy Nel Lusso is the winner here.


Are Huffy mountain bikes good?

Huffy only produces mountain bikes for general riding. They do not make trail bikes for professional riding.

Should I buy a cheap Huffy bike?

Cheap Huffy bikes tend to have a heavy frame and low-quality components. They are not an ideal long-term investment.

Is Kent a good brand?

Kent bikes from big stores are good quality. Consider taking the bike to a bike shop for further tuning to improve performance.

Where are Kent bikes made?

Kent bikes are a product of Kent International, a company based in South Carolina, USA. Kent outsource production of its bikes to Asia.